why most kingdom people won’t build wealth

Its not a sin to have wealth, it can become a sin when wealth has…

How To Build A Kingdom Business For Christian Entrepreneurs.

13 So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten [e]minas, and said…

How To Build A Personal Brand As A Christian

You might be following me because of biz.. while others because I talk about the…

Plant Bread & Eat Seeds

Don’t do that.We are called to plant seeds & eat bread.Some people eat the very…

Jesus Is The Best Personal Brand

Jesus is the best personal brand ((creators economy))Jesus is king.I think some people don’t want…

Solomon was a billionaire.

Solomon was a billionare.Solomon was also a business man.His networth back then would equate to…

Get MORE done in LESS time: Leverage & Systems

The best skill someone can develop is to bridge the gap between revelation to implementation.The…
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